Explore some of the very best wildflowers Western Australia has to offer. Wildflower season in the Shire of Yilgarn is Spring, with flowers looking their best from August to October.
While there are many different ways to enjoy the Shire of Yilgarn’s wildflowers, below is a suggested trail for visitors.
- White Verticordia
- Helmsii
- Red Bottle Brush Grevillea
- Goldenaccia
- Black Toothbrush Grevillea
- Verticordia Brownii (Common Cauliflower)
- Parakeelya
- Pimelia
- Native Hops
- Foxglove
- Dampiera
- Tinsel Flower
- Bacon & Egg Bush
- Pink Verticordia
- Melaleuca
- Smokebush
- Banksia
- Yellow Verticordia
- Pincushions
- Circus Trigger Plants
- Blue Lace Flower
- Native Red Pomegrante
- Pea Flower
- Red Ravensthorpe Bottlebrush
- Yellow Flowered Tall Sand Mallee
- Greenhood, Donkey & Spider Orchids near the base of the rock
- Ferns
- Tea Tree
- Sheoak
- Acacia